10Peaks Innovation Xchange Program

Welcome to Growing Forward Together:  Cleantech and Your Carbon Footprint

 8:45 am - 9:00 am

Ten Peaks Innovation welcomes you. Join us in the Main Stage Theatre – Arts Centre at Red Deer Polytechnic. Join Dagmar Knutson, founder of Ten Peaks, for the conference welcome and land acknowledgement to start the conference day.

Then an Elder of a First Nation will open and bless the conference followed by a representative from RDP inviting you to have a great conference.

Below are your choice of four tracks for the 10PIX conference. Each track has a theme and 4 breakout sessions during the day:

  1. Carbon and Climate - traditional oil and gas topics discussing clean technologies to achieve net zero goals

  2. Alternative Energy – all forms of energy creating electricity, including electricity storage

  3. Environmental Thought Leaders – climate and environment speakers – energy and the environment

  4. Sustainable Forestry – sustainability, biodiversity, innovation and all things forestry

Track Selections

You are free to customize your experience; follow one track or choose your favourite sessions across different tracks. Following the track selection are the in-person workshops and all-day Red Deer Polytechnic tours. Check them out!

If you are attending virtually, the keynote speakers are found in the Alternative Energy Track in GreenShows, our virtual conference platform.

In Person Attendees

Teachers – breakout session registration is required. All students must attend both keynotes. Customize your experience.  Register for 3 breakout sessions and one workshop or RDP tour. Everyone is guaranteed a workshop or a tour.

There are 16 breakout sessions, 12 workshops or 4 RDP Tours to choose from.

Passport game

Check out the exhibit tables at the Arts Centre. Everyone is excited to see you. We have 2 prizes for students who visit 75% of the booths. One will be drawn after the second keynote and another will be drawn at the end of the day.  Students will be asked to come up on stage for the first draw. We have printed out a booth passport. Students will be asked to go to an exhibit booth and pick up a passport. After they engage with the booth attendant, they will get their stamp or initial on the applicable square on the passport.

We will leave passports on each exhibit table for students to take with them and use for the day. Students can enter the draw box near the main doors of the Arts Centre.

In-Person workshops and Red Deer Polytechnic tours

The following workshops are in-person events available only to those attending the conference in-person. Maximum 25 students for each session. No virtual recordings are available for workshop attendance by virtual attendees. You must pre-register to attend these workshops or the RDP lab tours.

Pre register for your tour to one of the following lab tours:

  • Two options

    1. CIMTAC – What is advanced manufacturing? What digital tools can be used to make better manufacturing decisions? How does this impact a circular economy? Try your hand at digital work instructions and laser scanning.

    2. Energy Innovation Centre – How do renewable energy systems integrate together? See a roof top solar array and get some hands on experience with connecting solar and wind systems into an electrical grid.

Topic: Interactive tour of CIM-TAC or Alternative Energy lab

Room: Meet at the RDP exhibit table for the tour guide

Tour guides and lab sessions summaries:

  • Session summary TBA.

  • Session summary TBA.

  • Session summary TBA.

  • Session summary TBA.

The following times are available for the Red Deer Polytechnic tours. Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing labs held in the morning. Alternative energy labs held in the afternoon.

10:00am – 10:45am

11:00am – 11:45am

1:45pm – 2:30pm

2:45pm – 3:30pm

In-Person workshops

Pre-register to be with an inspiring innovator at one of these workshops:

10:15am – 10:45am

  • What do you think of when you hear about careers in energy? Assess your personal skills and interests to see how they could propel you into an exciting career in the energy industry. Participants will get to explore multiple worksites with our virtual reality headsets. This hands-on workshop will allow you to explore Canada’s energy sector.

    Lisa Pollio and Kelly Johnson

    Topic: Virtual Reality Headsets Site Tours

    Room: 1500 Cornerstone

  • Join us for a fun and engaging Clean Technology Pitch-A-Thon. Learn how ERA has a pivotal role in mitigating GHG emissions and growth in clean tech solutions through investments in clean-tech solutions. Do you have a clean tech idea? Learn about real world clean-tech in Alberta’s clean technology ecosystem and pitch them to investors. In groups of 4 or 5, students will pitch their clean-tech idea and present it to fellow student judges who will assess that idea on technology, market potential and emissions reduction.

    Anike Edun and Jennifer Chen Emissions Reduction Alberta

    Topic: How does ERA fund clean technology projects

    Room: TBA

  • Do you want to try out robotics? Our Mbot2’s have three SMART world ad-ons to allow them to: pick up balls, carry balls and work the sensor. Students get to experience the MBot2 and their smart world ad-on. Mr. Schultz, an award winning robotics teacher, will help you explore with your MBOT, to move your robot through a maze and have fun doing it.

    Steven Schultz and Ten Peaks facilitators Lacombe Composite High School and Ten Peaks Innovation

    Topic: Robotics

    Room: AC 147 Studio B

11:00am – 11:45pm

  • What do you think of when you hear about careers in energy? Assess your personal skills and interests to see how they could propel you into an exciting career in the energy industry. Participants will get to explore multiple worksites with our virtual reality headsets. This hands-on workshop will allow you to explore Canada’s energy sector.

    Lisa Pollio and Kelly Johnson

    Topic: Virtual Reality Headsets Site Tours

    Room: 1500 Cornerstone

  • Join us for a fun and engaging Clean Technology Pitch-A-Thon. Learn how ERA has a pivotal role in mitigating GHG emissions and growth in clean tech solutions through investments in clean-tech solutions. Do you have a clean tech idea? Learn about real world clean-tech in Alberta’s clean technology ecosystem and pitch them to investors. In groups of 4 or 5, students will pitch their clean-tech idea and present it to fellow student judges who will assess that idea on technology, market potential and emissions reduction.

    Anike Edun and Jennifer Chen Emissions Reduction Alberta

    Topic: How does ERA fund clean technology projects

    Room: TBA

  • Logan Oldstar Arcilla and Rob Cardinal

    Topic: Robotics

    Room: 1500 Cornerstone

2:00pm – 2:30pm

  • To be announced.

    Kip Monaghan Alberta Council for Environmental Educaation

    Topic: Green Careers

    Room: TBA

  • Join Alvina Mardhani-Bayne (Shad Canada) for a high-voltage, idea-boosting, lightning-fast workshop! If you want to learn how to go from enthusiasm to innovation, we’ve got you covered. Learn how to spark brand-new ideas, run your own idea jams, and unleash creativity in and for your community. Let’s power up together!

    Alvina Mardhani-Bayne Shad Canada

    Topic: STEAM and Entrepreneurship

    Room: TBD

  • Do you love sustainability and forests? Join this workshop to learn about forestry skills and exciting careers that will keep you working in the wild. We will explore scientific skills that are used to manage trees and forests. Participants will also try hands on forestry skills and learn from experts who love jobs working with trees!

    Forrest Battjes Alberta Forest Products Association

    Topic: Sustainable Forestry and Jobs

    Room: TBA

2:45pm – 3:15pm

  • Pipelines. They’re what deliver Alberta’s energy to the world. They’re absolutely key to ensuring energy security and will be a part of the energy landscape for decades to come, but they’re not perfect. The aim of Total Containment’s Envirolock® System is to make pipelines “incident free” in the areas where leaks can impact our world most, like near bodies of water, and other high risk areas. Join Larry Young, Founder and CEO of Total Containment as he introduces this revolutionary technology that can change how pipelines are built. Learn how the technology is created, installed, and how it’s ready to mitigate and prevent virtually any situation that could lead to a release from a pipeline. Put your hands on this technology and hear the story of how Envirolock® came to be, where it’s going, and why pipelines and the energy industry could play a role in the future of Alberta’s youth!!

    Larry Young Total Containment Inc.

    Topic: Pipeline Safety

    Room: TBA

  • Join the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance (RDRWA) for an engaging workshop on assessing waterbody health through biomonitoring and water chemistry. Guided by RDRWA staff, you will explore key water quality indicators in a hands-on setting. This workshop provides the opportunity to use chemistry sampling equipment, identify invertebrates, and interpret data. Whether you're a student, teacher, or simply passionate about the environment, this workshop offers valuable insights into improving water health.

    Darian Coulter Red Deer River Watershed Alliance

    Topic: Waterbody health

    Room: TBD

  • TBA

    Topic: TBD

    Description comming

    Room: 1500 Cornerstone