George Lafond profile image

George E. Lafond

George E. Lafond is a member of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation (Treaty 6) in Saskatchewan. George is the father of four children, living Victoria, British Columbia. George has been involved in community development and service in a variety of roles during his 40 year professional career.

Career Highlights:

- High school teacher in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

- Policy Advisor to three Federal Ministers (Indigenous Affairs Ottawa)

- Senior Bank Manager (BMO Saskatchewan)

- President of the Canada Council for Aboriginal Business (Toronto Ontario)

- Director of Health Saskatoon Tribal Council

- Elected Tribal and Vice-Tribal Chief for the Saskatoon Tribal Council

- Special Advisor to the President of the University of Saskatchewan on Aboriginal Initiatives

- Saskatchewan Treaty Commissioner (Federal Order in Council appointed)

- Co-Lead for the Headwater Solutions Foundation and the Thunderchild First Nation Educational initiative

- Currently a lead for the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Tecnology on Innovation programing

- Currently an advisor to the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation on Strategic Business Development Opprtunities

- Currently an advisor to PQA, a National software testing company

- Currently an advisor to DEEPcorp, a Geo-Thermal initiative

Recognition for Community Involvement:

- Award-winning composer Paul Suchan (BMusEd'07 University of Saskatchewan) was commissioned to write an original piece of classical music which premiered on June 6 2016, in honourof his work as a Treaty Commissioner and Office in Saskatchewan

- Saskatchewan Jubilee medal 2005

- Chosen top 100 alumni for the University of Saskatchewan

- Presented the Peter Loughheed Award for public service

- Investiture into the Saskatchewan Order of Merit

Community Involvement:

- Builder of a Family Foundation in honour of Alphonsine Lafond, one of Canada’s First elected Women chiefs in Canada (1960)

- A supporter and participant in sports and recreation for the purpose of wellness in First Nations communities and reconciliation in non-Aboriginal communities. George has coached hockey, baseball and other sports at all levels, from novice to senior men’s winning Provincial and National titles. And is still trying to make a name in hockey

- Has developed a sport history of his community through DVD and a written publication

- Has participated in other publications regarding the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation military service

- Has been invited by the Canadian Armed Forces to do presentation to L1 staff in Ottawa.

- Chair of the Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Center (University of Saskatchewan) designed by the Canadian International recognized architect Douglas Cardinal

- Lead on the development of the White Buffalo Youth Lodge (Saskatoon)

- Board member during the developmental and building stages of the Wanuskewin Heritage Park (Saskatoon)

- Panel member on the National Indigenous Education Panel that sought to remedy the on reserve educational failures of the Indian Act.

- Panel Member on Canada’s Auditor General for Indigenoius Issues

Previous Board Membership:

- First Nation University of Canada (Regina)

- Institute for Research on Public Policy ( Chair Anne McClellan-Montreal)

- SaskEnergy and TransGas (Regina)

- United Way (Saskatoon)

- Wanuskewin Heritage Park( Saskatoon)

- Royal Roads University Advisory (Victoria)

- Canada Post Northern Advisory (Ottawa)

- Banff Center for Management (Chr- Aboriginal Program)

Current Boards Appointments:

Sustainable Development Technology Canada– Board Member (Chair Annette Verschuren)

National NewMedia Council - Board member (Chair John Fraser)

Department of National Defence - Defence Advisory Board ( Chair Henry Kucera)

The Trans Canada Trail (Chair Michael Lindsay)

Protein Industries Canada ( Chair Frank Hart)